Using the Team Member link field

Team Member Link is automatically added to the Candidate object when you install Resource Manager version 22.04 or later in your org. Resource Manager provides a link between HCM and Recruit packages and is typically used for resource planning.

On installing Resource Manager any values stored in a previously created Team Member Custom Field on the Candidate object are automatically copied to the Team Member Link field. The Team Member Custom Field enabled automatic creation of the Team Member record before Team Member Link was available.

The Team Member Link field is not displayed by default but it is available in all Field Sets on the Candidate object. Key field sets covering typical locations for the field are:

  • Candidate Details Bottom
  • Candidate Details Top

To add the Team Member Link field to the Candidate page:

  1. Go to Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager
  2. In the list of Custom Objects select the Label for the Candidate object.
  3. On the Candidate Detail page, select Field Sets.
  4. In the list of Field Sets select Edit for the Field Set you want to use.
  5. Drag and drop the Team Member Link field into the Field Set.
  6. Select Save.